Individual Counseling and Healing

Individual Sessions

When a client comes to me in person for inspirational counseling and bodywork, we work together as a team. After introductions, I invite them to sit down, take a deep breath, close their eyes, and become present to what they are feeling in the present moment. Then from this clearer place, I do an assessment to find out their past history, physical injuries, mental/emotional challenges, spirituality, life passions and purpose, so we can work holistically to accomplish their goals for health and well-being in all areas of their life.

Healing Sessions

I work with your soul and your system to create deep healing frequencies to allow your own system to refresh itself in a higher alignment. Tapping into your body’s wisdom is the key for self-healing and rejuvenation. I do this by becoming still, emptying my mind, and allowing myself to be a clear channel. Then, I tune into your core. From this still place of listening your body, mind and spirit unwind themselves to create greater health, new perceptions and perspectives. The inner calm naturally allows more awareness to awaken, and you experience deep love and healing and acceptance from within.

Long Distance Healing

This can be done over the phone or remotely with the name and birthday of the person. Receive energy balancing and love for your awakening and clarity. I will work with your soul’s guidance to access your being and together we will allow flow to occur. This reconnection to self allows for deep healing and inner balance. An opening and opportunity occurs for reconciliation with self and any other people involved. Love and Light, Lottie

Phone Consultations

Counseling and Healing: Very practical work can be done over the phone for pain and stress in any area of your life. We can work together to create a plan that meets your needs. I have effectively worked with people all over the country via phone. Energy balancing can be received over long distance as well as teaching you some tools to help heal your body, mind and spirit. It’s amazing what can be felt that transcends space and time.

One Response to “Individual Counseling and Healing

  • napierala222
    4 years ago

    Hi Lottie

    I am so excited that I was led to tune in to clubhouse tonight. I would love to have a session with you. As I mentioned, I have been using IFS for nearly 4 years. It has been very healing however I LOVE the work through all four tiers taking place in one session. I’m wondering if I can get on your schedule.

    Teresa Napierala
    208 916 5210

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